Whether you plan to make it your main residence or use it for the occasional hunting trip, constructing an off-grid home can be a lot of fun. But it can also seem overwhelming since the process starts with conceptualizing the house and continues through the entire process with hundreds of decisions about how you want your home to turn out.

One essential element is to have well-thought-out and detailed plans before you start getting permits and sourcing materials for your home. Here are some tips on creating your ideal home plans for your off-grid home.

1. Hiring a home plans designer 

First of all, you'll need to find a professional home plans designer to help you draw up the plans. This is critical for several reasons. For example, a professional can help you design plans that will meet building codes so you won't be denied your building permits. In addition, you'll need the experience a professional brings to the table to help solve any design problems that crop up during the process.

2. Off-grid considerations

When planning a home that's off-grid, you'll need to think of several things that you may take for granted in a suburban home. For example, you'll need to decide just how off-grid you want to be and how you're going to provide for the amenities that you won't be getting from the municipality. Some things to think about here include installing the following things:

  • a septic tank and leach field or an alternative septic system
  • an energy source such as a solar array
  • a backup power source in case your primary source fails
  • a well in the absence of city water
  • an HVAC system that won't overtax your off-grid energy source

In addition to deciding how you'll replace modern amenities, you'll also have to design for things, such as emergency supply storage space, especially if your off-grid home is out of town or up in the mountains.

3. Steps to getting the plans made

Professional home plan designers typically use professional drafting software to create detailed blueprints. The first step will typically involve making a lot of decisions about what you want from your home. Your professional designer will use this information to help them design the home using their drafting software. You can then look at the home plans together and decide what needs to be changed before the plans are complete. 

4. Next steps

Once you have completed blueprints in hand, you'll want to start looking for a great general contractor in your area. Your general contractor will get your permits for you and oversee the construction process. They'll also work with your home plans designer to tweak your new home plans if necessary throughout the process.

Your off-grid dream home can be a reality once you go through the steps to plan, design, and construct it. Get in touch with a local home plans design company, like Nelson Design Group, today to get started.
